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History of sinai
Sinai during the reign of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemes

The Great Alexander invades Egypt through the Sinai and stationed troops in the area Qatih this region and is still known in history books and historians of Alexander the Greek camp 333 BC. M.
Seek the help of Ptolemy IV (Vliopatr), king of Egypt in the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian peasants with his horsemen of the Greeks while they are still the sons of the Nile in the battlefield received the aggressors out of the country. 317 BC. M.
Translation of the Torah in Alexandria to the Greek language and is called the Sepeneyait, where he translated 70 a rabbi. 300 BC. M.
In the era of Ptolemy VI resorted Jews disgruntled the family of Seleucus to Egypt and was headed "Oonyas IV," I'm high priest in Jerusalem, where he was allowed to be built a temple-style structure of Jerusalem, in Tel-Jewish West Faqous presently and in the, 73 by Birth closed Emperor Vespa Cianos the temple and the majority of the Jews of Egypt consider that this temple Kaabthm. 160 BC. M.
astronomer of Alexandria Claudius Ptolemy recorded statement of the most important ports which were on the Mediterranean coast in the vicinity of the marsh Bardawil and number eight (8) sites first is the beginning of the mouth Albelozy branches of the Nile with the sea and most recently the city of "Rafia" old Rafah current passing town of El Arish Renault Klora, also mentions five places in the Sinai Peninsula. 130 BC. M.
Nabataean Kingdom and its capital Petra simplify the influence of the Syrian Desert east to the Gulf of Suez in the west and Syria as far north of Medina in the south, have found signs of this kingdom in the effects of Qsroet area Qatia status of Bir al-Abed in northern Sinai have also found many fossils on the rocks in the peninsula Sinai. 9. BC. M.
Sinai in the Middle Ages Romanian
Emperor Hadrian ordered construction of a temple "of the god" Zeus in commemoration of the death of Commander Roman "Pompey" by the men of Ptolemy XII (Cleopatra's brother) younger 122 BC. M.
Revolt of the  Jewish against the Roman emperor Titus destroyed the city of Jerusalem, and burned the temple which was built in the rule of Cyrus king of Persia 70 BC. M.
Armies Kleopatra met with the armies of her younger brother Ptolemy in preparation to fight on "Egypt" the outskirts of the way Military North by Horus at Farma that you place "Bellows" at the end of section Albelozy and army settled at that place until The back of the leader Roman "Pompey," which he called the Bbtlemus which demonstrated protection of the law, and murderers, and was told that "Pompey" was buried east of the "Bellows" and Ptolemy Greek geographer and astronomer was born there and Hager Ismael's mother was born there, as decided by the Canadian in his book "Virtues of Egypt 48 BC. M.

Source: - Information Center
 Release date: - April 2010

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