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History of sinai
Sinai in the era of Mohammad Ali and his family
In the era of Muhammad Ali, because of political and military conditions suffered by caused Sinai pair of military administratively, financially and militarily, and made under the direction of intelligence chief in Egypt and the supervision of Sardar Egyptian army and the principal military and make them an officer of the Egyptian army officers at the mayor and the title (Qomndan) of the Sinai Peninsula and its position Nehkeal. 1805 M.
Sinai has become like other areas under the jurisdiction of the Egyptian Mohammed Ali under the Ottoman firman your virginity governor of the country is divided administratively into three section  1) City Tour: The tracking Suez administratively   (2) Castle Nekheal and accessories: the tracking region Elrazmana (Egyptian Finance).  (3) town of El Arish: track and headmaster of the Interior.  (After the Taba incident in 1906 involving the country's Al-Arish to Qomndani Nekheal  and make the headmaster).  1805 M.
Muhammad Ali thought to follow his armies through the Sinai to quell the Wahhabi movement, but lack of water led him to consider changing the course of the campaign through the Red Sea, but he'll leave his post, send some military road in Sinai. 1811 M.
Set Rafay Agha, looking for the castle Arish (governor of the castle).  1811 M.
 The most important missions in Sinai is that concerned with the French missions were dispatched to the Sinai, both of Linan de Bellevue (engineer) for a De Ajord (press release), and the Lannan was fluent in Arabic as one of the native speakers, as you know the customs and traditions Alsinaweya.  1820 M.
  Marie Joseph visited de Geranb Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai.  1823 M.
Ghatas Agha  appointed  as governor of Sinai, a descendant of one of the great of Agha Elarish. 1831 M.
Muhammad Ali commissioned by his son Ibrahim Pasha of preparing for a campaign-Sham through Sinai. I started the campaign camp Khanka led by Ibrahim Pasha, meaning the Syrian border and the Mara Bulbis and Elsalhaya and Qatih and Bir elabed and Msaudia Arish, including the Sheikh Zuwaid and the city of Rafah was the occupation of Khan Younis, Gaza and yaffa. 1831 M.
Ebrahmin Pasha  Passed  the Sinai Peninsula with his army towards Syria, and continued his career across Anatolia to Istana. 1831 M.
Muhammad Ali carries out many of the reforms and important services in Sinai, which helps the campaign in its progress to Sham, a restoration of existing wells along the way Faramm well Qatih and Biraelaid, Sheikh Zuwaid, regulate the movement of mail for the first time through the Sinai, by caravans of camels and make them main stations in the cities of Kantara - Qatih - Biraelaid - Biralamzar - El Arish - Sheikh Zuwaid, Elkhofara along the areas of wells so as to ensure not to destroy the wells and remain valid for use in anticipation of any developments that might occur to the army. 1831 M.
Set Dildil Effendi headmaster of Sinai . 1832 M.
A French scientist, buffea visited Sinai and collect his information about all the plants which provided the first scientific group and has published in his magazine Geographical Society in Paris . 1835 M.
Ibrahim Pasha Agha singles Ghatas Agha to a dispute between families in succession. 1840 M.
Returned of the Egyptian forces across the Sinai after the withdrawal of the Treaty of London by Ibrahim Pasha of Syria and the disarming of soldiers Castle-Arish and attached to Interior and to make them conservative. 1840 M.
the Egyptian border, and that is the end of the Sinai border with Egypt, therefore, have been set up in the era of Muhammad Ali and some centers Taba Moelh and Aqaba in order to ensure the pilgrimage route overland from Egypt to the Hijaz .-  Mohammed Interestes  on the appointmentes of the governors of the Sinai are known for their efficiency. -Muhammad kept the business on the caravan route from Sinai to the Sham. -  The Egyptian army protects the pilgrimage route and believes the pilgrims. 1841 M.
- Muhammad Ali care educational mission, which came to Sinai to study the strategy and raised . 1841 M.
Abbas Pasha Interested, I in Sinai as a strategic center to the Sham visit to the territory of the Sinai and saw for himself the Featuring  in Sinai, the importance of the tourist destinations, the strategically vital processing by linking Tour Monastery  Sinai (Sant Catherine  Monastery  ) on the one hand to the top of Mount Moses, on the other work studies required to establish a resort in South Sinai and built the sulfur baths near the city of Tour.  1848-1854 M.
 Countess De Gaspard visited Sina, a French woman during her trip to Egypt has given an accurate description of the customs and traditions in the Sinai, as shown in the study of the Sinai grazing areas and agriculture as well as significant areas of the strategic centers where the point of Nekheal and the city of Tur and the other important cities. 1848 M.
French government Sent lutein de Lanal - to limit the effects of Sinai Pharaonic, especially those trapped in the regions and resulted in the Elmaghara and Sarabeb Elkhadem has consisted of those paintings, which numbered 12 for the plate of  hieroglyphs has been collected in three parts in a range of  photographs. 1850 M.
Change map Sinai during the reign of Said Pasha, who witnessed the beginning of construction of the Suez Canal and made the peninsula of the great waterway of this inhibitor to have an important role in the history of modern Egypt. 1854-1863 M.
Set Hassan bey governor of Sinai. 1856 M.
The appointment of Osman Bey governor of the Sinai  1856 M.
witnessed the reign of Ismail Pasha ibn Ibrahim, the emergence of some new cities in the Sinai and the  arrival  missions to the Sinai to study them. 1863-1879 M.
Kitchener visit with Sir Eduardhl to Sinai is believed that the coming of Kitchener to Sinai was to study the conditions of the country where Sinai is considered a strategic depth of the Suez Canal. 1864 M.
The appointment of Ismail Hussein Effendi the governor of Sinai. 1865 M.
Appointment of Mr. Najjar Bey governor of the Sinai . 1881 M.
Set Bey Mostafa Menon governor of the Sinai . 1882 M.
Source - Information Center 
 Release date: - April 2010 
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